

  • 欧美剧脱狱之王 第二季

    主演:Laz Alonso Domenick Lombardozzi Malcolm Goodwin Jimmi Simpson Brooke Nevin 


    简介:该片由《越狱》的制片人Matt Olmstead和Nick Santora联手打造,第二季中将继续讲述联邦法警突破常规,与罪犯合作追捕逃犯的故事。常言道“以其人之道还治其人之身”。老道的联邦法警Charlie Duchamp和Ray Zancanelli深知逃犯的严重危险性,也厌倦了各种条条框框,烦透了过时的法纪法规,常规办法周期长,见效慢。所以他们采用了一种另类的追踪方法---让前逃犯抓捕在逃者。他们招募了三名精英囚犯:一位是当年的神童,专长精神研究行为分析;一位是前帮派成员,在监狱街头都混的如鱼得水;还有一位擅长入室行窃。除了这些光辉战绩之外,他们还都是逃狱之王,这些强人用他们掌握的越狱知识帮助缉拿逃犯。每逮住一个逃犯意味着他们离自由又进了一步。

  • 欧美剧心灵缉凶 第二季

    主演:David Sutcliffe Brooke Nevin Luisa D'Oliveira 


    简介:After an embarrassing and meijubar.net public breakdown, Detective Aidan Black (David Sutcliffe) is reassigned from his beloved SWAT team to the newly created Psych Crimes and Crisis Unit. There, he's dismayed to find his partner is not another cop, but forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Daniella Ridley (Stefanie von Pfetten). The unit also includes Detective Poppy Wisnefski (Luisa d'Oliveira) and psychiatric nurse Leo Beckett (Dayo Ade), with Inspector Diane Caligra (Karen LeBlanc) keeping a close watch over the unique partnerships. Passionate and opposing viewpoints are an inherent part of the job in Psych Crimes, and the answers the teams seek never come easy. Aidan's deep insight and investigative skills combine brilliantly with Daniella's keen ability to decipher human behaviour. Learning to work cohesively, the Psych Crimes and Crisis Unit investigates city's most troubling and psychologically complex crimes. Whether or not the unit is still around in a few months...



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