简介: Masterpiece precedes 'Rashomon'.
One of the greatest films of all time is Kurosawa's 'Rashomon', which features an unusual narrative structure: the same events are shown in flashback four times, each time from the viewpoint of a different character. The subtle differences in each flashback compel the viewers to decide for themselves the truth of what actually happened. 'Rashomo...
简介:佩比(卡门·毛拉 Carmen Maura 饰)是一个个性热情奔放的火辣姑娘,热衷于尝试生活中的一切新鲜事物。在一次意外中,她不幸被一个坏警察给强暴了,愤怒而又悲伤的佩比并没有就此一蹶不振,而是决定靠自己的双手为自己报仇。
可是,糊里糊涂的佩比却搞错了复仇的对象,误伤了警察的弟弟。第一次复仇失败之后,佩比又开始了第二轮计划,她隐瞒了自己的真实身份,接近警察的妻子露西(艾娃·希瓦 Eva Siva 饰),顺利的和她成为了朋友。之后,她又将同性恋摇滚歌手伯姆(Olvido Gara 饰)安插到了露西的身边,希望两人之间能够发生些什么。可是,让佩比没有想到的是,露西其实隐藏着自己真实的一面。
简介:It's summer again, and everyone's favorite Junior Rescuers, The Flounders, are back at Tower 2. With the International Junior Rescue Championships headed to Southern California, the eyes of the entire planet are on Malibu Beach. But when Team USA falls victim to a bout of food poisoning, it's up to Tyler, Dylan, Eric, Lizzie and Gina to represent their country in the world's most extreme lifeguard challenge.
简介:这是导演的成名之作,罗伯特自掏腰包拍了这部低成本的黑色电影,结果一炮而红。影片讲述的是一名心狠手辣的罪犯成功越狱后,来到小镇伺机找他的仇家报仇,仇家的手下只知道那个罪犯将武器藏在吉他盒子里随身携带,而从来都没有见过他本人。一名流浪的吉他手(卡洛斯•加拉尔多 Carlos Gallardo 饰)凑巧这时来到小镇谋生,于是,莫名其妙的他就被卷入了一场不知所谓的追杀中。追杀的场面被导演演绎的笑料百出,黑色幽默表现的淋漓尽致。