

  • 欧美剧犯罪心理 第九季

    主演:A·J·库克 A.J. Cook 乔·曼特纳 Joe Mantegna 托马斯·吉布森 Thomas Gibson 谢默·摩尔 Shemar Moore 马修·格雷·古柏勒 Matthew Gray Gubler 克斯汀·范奈丝 珍妮·特里普里霍恩 


    简介:犯罪心理第九季讲述的是故事发生在三个月之后,Morgan(去伦敦执行奥运会安保任务)和Garcia(帮助Prentiss搬入新家)从英国归来,发现身边多了一个人——长期在联邦调查局工作的语言学专家Alex Blake正式加入BAU调查组.Alex天不怕地不怕,曾因为和Strauss的矛盾而闹得满城风云.Garcia对这个新来的女人并不看好,但Alex高超的技艺最终让她转变了观念.这是好事情——BAU调查组必须明白「团结才是力量」的道理,否则他们无法面对本季的新威胁.在首集结尾观众会看到,某个反派角色不仅一直在嘲弄他们,骚扰他们,甚至在追猎他们.直到本季的季终集,BAU调查组才有机会与这个狡猾凶悍的对手展开正面对决。

  • 欧美剧妙警贼探 第二季

    主演:Matthew Bomer Tim DeKay 格罗瑞亚·沃特西斯 威利·加森 蒂凡妮·西森 

    导演:John T. Kretchmer

    简介:  USA热门剧《妙贼警探》放出了第2季首支宣传片。这部最令人期待的剧集得到了诸如“时髦的”、“完美的”、“有趣之极的”等评价。就像最后Peter的台词一样:“这可不算完。”是的,这才是《妙贼警探》夏季攻势的开始。  而第2季除了更多Neal和Peter的对手戏外,Mozzie身上也将发生点儿“浪漫的事”:曾经出演过《数字追凶》,饰演和 Larry教授交往的女警察Megan Reeves的女演员戴安·法尔将客串《妙贼警探》,饰演 Mozzie暗恋的女招待Gina De Stefano。她的戏份将在出现在第2季初,Gina身陷麻烦之中,很需要人的帮助。而Mozzie的骑士精神当然会用在他心仪的女士身上。

  • 喜剧片窈窕男女

    主演:Anthony Hopkins Bridget Fonda Matthew Broderick John Cusack Dana Carvey 

    导演:艾伦·帕克 Alan Parker

    简介:  故事背景设定在二十世纪初,以发明健康玉米片闻名全球的凯洛博士经营了一家令信徒们为之疯狂的健身疗养院,他在院中提倡禁欲、素食、瘦肠等特别的健身法,又用军事化的管理带领大家唱歌做体操,使一对慕名前来的年轻夫妻大开眼界,分别经历了一段匪夷所思的奇遇。

  • 剧情片国际市场

    主演:黄政民 吴达洙 郑镇荣 黄仁俊 金根英 罗美兰 金敏载 金善映 张荣男 郑煐禥 Matthew·Douma 郑基燮 金允珍 朴镇洙 孙荣顺 严智星 金瑟祺 朴英庶 申隣雅 安正宇 孟世昌 郑允浩 高允 金雪 Stella·Choe 全昭弥 


    简介:朝鲜战争期间,少年尹德秀随同父母登上美军的救援船,却遭遇了毕生难忘的生离死别。战火虽然停息,南北半岛则一分为二,饱受炮火荼毒的北方故乡遥不可及。长大之后,代替父亲成为顶梁柱的德秀(黄政民 饰)努力赚钱...

  • 恐怖片死亡谷2021

    主演:Jeremy Ninaber Ethan Mitchell Kristen Kaster Matthew Ninaber Matt Daciw Jacqueline Ninaber Jonah Fortin Melissa Joy Boerger Justin Moses Jeff Waters Jacob Fortin Connor Mitchell Jeremy Dueck Tyler Gar 

    导演:Matthew Ninaber

    简介:  雇佣兵们去营救一名被囚禁在冷战遗存的地堡中的生物工程师。 在进入不祥的设施后,他们发现自己要为生命而战,因为他们遭到了一种未知的致命生物的攻击。

  • 欧美综艺地球一日

    主演:Matthew Macfadyen 


    简介:  日与夜的出现,是由太阳与地球的互动而成;而太阳每一分寸的移动,都与地球万物的生命息息相关:有些动物要在炙热的正午狩猎,有些则在漆黑中伺机而动;它们的生活习性亦因应日夜的光线、温差等变化而不断进化。继《探索非洲》后,BBC制作人James Honeyborne再度推出一连两集的《地球的日与夜》,以全新角度「时间」来纪录动物如何在大自然的「日」与「夜」中求存,为你剖开多个动物世界的生存法则。  大自然的环境变化多端,危机处处。《地球的日与夜》纪录多个珍贵片段:黎明时分,一群奇特的合唱团——泰国的白掌长臂猿利用声线驱赶敌人,同时吸引伴侣;世上速度最快的动物猎豹亦选择在清晨猎食,而胡兀鹫则利用中午时分的热气流来觅食。太阳徐徐落下,为另一个世界揭开序幕:黄昏时分,三百万只皱唇蝙蝠从洞穴中涌出,享用「夜行昆虫大餐」;当夜幕降临,夜视能力极佳的狮子在晚上结伴外出猎食,但月圆夜带来的光线会否破坏它们的猎食大计?从日出到日落,炙热的正午到肃杀的深夜,《地球的日与夜》介绍幕幕动物世界的精彩片段!

  • 欧美综艺地球造人

    主演:Iain Stewart 

    导演:Matthew Gyves

    简介:  BBC最新纪录片,讲述地球的力量如何改变了人类的历史。2010年1月19日首播,共播出了5集:'Water','Deep Earth', 'Wind', 'Fire','Human Planet'。节目中,Iain Stewart教授带领观众探究几个世纪以来,地质学、地理学和气候是如何影响人类生活的。  我们的星球拥有惊人的力量,但却很少在教科书中被提起。这个系列节目第一次通过电视展现地球的神奇力量对人类发展的影响。节目将历史故事的讲述和炫目的摄影镜头紧密结合,给我们呈现一幅原汁原味的人类历史图景。  Iain Stewart tells the epic story of how the planet has shaped our history. With  spectacular images, surprising stories and a compelling narrative, the series discovers the central role played in human history by four different planetary forces.  Episode 1: Water  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. This time he explores our complex relationship with water. Visiting spectacular locations in Iceland, the Middle East and India, Iain shows how control over water has been central to human existence. He takes a precarious flight in a motorised paraglider to experience the cycle of freshwater that we depend on, discovers how villagers in the foothills of the Himalayas have built a living bridge to cope with the monsoon, and visits Egypt to reveal the secret of the pharaohs' success. Throughout history, success has depended on our ability to adapt to and control constantly shifting sources of water.  Episode 2: Deep Earth  Iain Stewart tells the epic story of how the planet has shaped our history. With spectacular images, surprising stories and a compelling narrative, the series discovers the central role played in human history by four different planetary forces. In this first episode, Iain explores the relationship between the deep Earth and the development of human civilisation. He visits an extraordinary crystal cave in Mexico, drops down a hole in the Iranian desert and crawls through seven-thousand-year-old tunnels in Israel. His exploration reveals that throughout history, our ancestors were strangely drawn to fault lines, areas which connect the surface with the deep interior of the planet. These fault lines gave access to important resources, but also brought with them great danger.  Episode 3: Wind  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. Iain sets sail on one of the fastest racing boats ever built to explore the story of our turbulent relationship with the wind. Travelling to iconic locations including the Sahara desert, the coast of West Africa and the South Pacific, Iain discovers how people have exploited the power of the wind for thousands of years. The wind is a force which at first sight appears chaotic. But the patterns that lie within the atmosphere have shaped the destiny of continents, and lie at the heart of some of the greatest turning points in human history.  Episode 4: Fire  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. Iain explores man's relationship with fire. He begins by embarking on an extraordinary encounter with this terrifying force of nature - a walk right through the heart of a raging fire. Fire has long been our main source of energy and Iain shows how this meant that the planet played a crucial role in Britain's industrial revolution, whilst holding China's development back. Along the way he dives in a mysterious lake in Oregon, climbs a glacier of salt, crawls through an extraordinary cave in Iran and takes a therapeutic bath in crude oil.  Episode 5: Human Planet  Series in which Professor Iain Stewart looks at how four geological forces have shaped human history. He explores the most recently established force, humans. It's easy to think of the human impact on the planet as a negative one, but as Iain discovers, this isn't always the case. It is clear that humans have unprecedented control over many of the planet's geological cycles; the question is, how will the human race use this power?

  • 欧美综艺假如动物会摄影


    导演:Anne Sommerfield,Hannah Ward,Clare Dornan,Matthew Andews

    简介:  无论它们是在树上,还是在地底,动物们在人类无法接近的地方度过了一半的生命。适合野生动物的定制相机让我们进入一个通常无法到达的世界,通过它们的眼睛揭示出新的科学和以前看不见的动物行为。第一次在地下洞穴拍摄到刚出生的猫鼬幼崽,加入到大西洋的企鹅们的捕猎中,发现黑猩猩家庭的秘密习性。带着相机的动物们为我们的自然世界提供了一个新的视角,让我们可以与世界上最迷人的动物一起吃饭、睡觉和生活。

  • 欧美剧跃动英伦

    主演:麦切·赫威 亚当·加西亚 Lorraine Pilkington 马克·本顿 Matthew James Thomas Georgina Hagen 

    导演:Brian Grant,德克兰·德怀尔

    简介:  An 8-part drama set in a fictional performing arts school climaxing with a ninety minute episode in which the students perform in their end of term showcase. Preceeded by two documentary episodes showing the development process for the show.

  • 欧美剧都市侠盗:救赎


    导演:Chris Downey/Matthew Okumura/约翰·罗杰斯

    简介:  续集继续讲述盗贼、打手、黑客、骗子等一群各有所长的人组成“侠盗”小团体,坑蒙拐骗、劫富济贫的故事,设定在上一次任务的8年后,世界发生了巨大变化。

  • 动作片暴龙来袭

    主演:Derek Nelson Megan Purvis Nicola Wright 

    导演:Scott Jeffrey,Rebecca Matthews

    简介:  Something has been discovered, and this time, a city is under attack by a fast growing T-Rex.

  • 恐怖片蜜月期

    主演:弗朗克西斯·周 塔拉·维斯特伍德 约恩·巴特勒 Mike Sutton Michael Everett Johnson Matthew Curtis Chloe Carroll Jim Schubin Brenda Crawley Ben Samuels Michael Wetherbee Becca Jackson Brielle Rickards Linda Horwatt Tariq Jam 

    导演:Phillip G. Carroll Jr.

    简介:  Struggling young lovers, Tom and Eve, must endure a 30-day scientific experiment. Room, board, $50,000 and a month alone together in research facility housing. What could possibly go wrong.

  • 恐怖片骨肉

    主演:埃米尔·赫斯基 安迪·马蒂切克 卢克·大卫·布鲁姆 罗科·西斯托 瓦妮塔·沃姆斯利 克兰斯顿·约翰逊 David Kallaway 艾琳·布拉德利·丹格 Ethan McDowell 布莱恩·梅 Sami Bray Britton Webb Matthew Sean Blumm Kristine Nielsen 亚当·亨斯利 



  • 剧情片身份危机

    主演:安娜·梅德利 皮帕·贝内特-华纳 莎拉·伍德沃德 杰伊·辛普森 苏珊妮·帕克 Patrick Robinson Nadine Marshall ‎蒂姆·普雷斯‎ Jane Wood Paul O'Kelly Leo Wringer Florisa Kamara Obie Matthew Elliot Edusah 乔伊·理查德森 西蒙·勒纳根 科琳·斯金纳-卡特 

    导演:Stella Corradi

    简介:  Inspired by a shocking story from the Windrush Scandal.  After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is wrongfully detained by the Home Office and threatened with deportation.  Patrick Robinson and Nadine Marshall lead the drama as Anthony and Janet McKay-Williams.  Pippa Bennett Warner plays Patrick’s daughter Eileen, CJ Beckford plays her brother Gary and Corinne Skinner Carter plays Patrick’s mother, Lucille.



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